Saturday, October 13, 2007

Why Halo 3? Why??

I just bought the Orange Box for the Xbox 360. It's a sweet package! I've only played Portal and Team Fortress 2, but hot damn those games are figgin' sweet!

But there is a problem.

There is a huge shortage of TF2 servers!

I can guess why. Halo 3. And, yes Halo 3 is an AWESOME game, don't get me wrong. It's just that since about 400,000 people play it at once, there aren't too many TF2 servers.

Aside from that small problem, TF2 is a BLAST. No pun intended. It really is an awesome game. I've only played 5/9 classes but those guys are really awesome, they were all extremely fun to play. I have had so much fun with it I can barley contain my self!

Portal is also really sweet, it's really really hard to explain though, just watch a game play video. It is beautifully well done, and it's a pretty funny game.

I still haven't touched Half-Life 2, and I probably wont until I'm done with Portal.

The Orange Box is really worth it, $60 for 5 games? Count me in! I really really love it. Portal and TF2 seriously make the whole damn package worth it, and I can't wait to try out Half-Life 2, well yeah I can but it still looks awesome.

1 comment:

foxtrot said...

I love Team Fortress 2 that is in the Orange Box! My friend has already set up a server with co-location from Nationwide Bandwidth, (a must to every server owner, imo) and we are enjoying it with many other gamers. We don't have trouble getting enough people to play on our server either.