Saturday, October 13, 2007

So I Beat Portal Today

Well I finished Portal today, And I am impressed Valve did a really good job with delivering a great Puzzler. As far as Action-Adventure games go, Portal shouldn't be missed. So yeah, I really enjoyed Portal. It's fun its frantic, it's awesome, it's well, Portal.

On the downside, Portal is only about 2 and a half hours long. Which is a little disappointing, but there still is a lot to do after your done with it, challenge missions, beating the game again, commentary, it's a really great and unique experience I want to play again and again.

So out of 10 I would rate Portal a:


Unknown said...

What's it about, though? Where is it set and everything?

Turtlefuzz said...

It's set in a training Facility and during the same time and universe as Half Life, and the facility is affiliated with Black Mesa.

Unknown said...

Wow, so, you're just in one big exercise? Do you get to shoot anybody>

Turtlefuzz said...

The story is very minimal, so I can't talk about it with out giving it all away, your basically a test subject doing a bunch of tests. And it's set in a test facility, I can't remember the name of the joint but that is all there is to hit.

Turtlefuzz said...

Whoops, responded to the wrong comment. :)
yeah, you're in one big exercise, and no you don't shoot any people.