Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Bioshock And Eye Of The North

Bioshock is an amazing game so far, it really deserves its 9.6 average. The story is incredible, and its fun to watch it unfold. The shooting is intense and fun, while it is extremely fun against Big Daddies, but I have found lock-ups on my 360.. I will say my final verdict later.

Eye of the North-
Eye of the North so far is also really fun, very nostalgic to old school Guild Wars players, the environments are lush and awesome. Biggest problem is the armor isn't very cool, just re-skinned armors from the other games.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think I missed the Eye of the North trial weekend- was with friends, but I've looked at people's screenshots, it looks pretty tough. I thought the whole deal with it was getting new armour and weapons and stuff, not copies of the old stuff.

I'm going to play Nightfall before i do (if I ever) get EN, so it's not really a big deal.

Keep updating. :)